about us
Sierra Rock Climbing School have been providing guided rock climbing trips and lessons to beginners, advanced climbers and everyone in between for over 15 years. Our guides are professionally trained and certified with PCGI and other certifying organizations. They also have current wilderness medical certification from WMI, WMA and Foster Calm Medical Training and Leadership.
We maintain our Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Permits with Inyo National Forest, Joshua Tree National Park, Pinnacles National Park, Castle Rock State Park, Skyline-Sanborn County Park and other climbing destinations. We also obtain permits at other areas depending on the demand per season. We have also guided individual clients and families on international trips in Mexico, Spain and Thailand. Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina will soon be added to our list of international climbing destinations.
The Sierra Rock Climbing School Difference
Our goal is to have every client come away with confidence, transferable skills and fun memories of their climbing experience. We are committed in providing an atmosphere of “Learning While Having Fun” for all of our clients.
Each of our guides wants to climb with you and build a long lasting relationship! Sierra Rock Climbing School instructors are experienced, skilled and trained professionals, they are also caring, fun and inspiring. We have carefully chosen our guides/instructors to provide you with the absolute best and most personable climbing experience.
Our guided climbing services have been entrusted by many individuals, families, faith and non-profit organizations, military personnel, primary to post-grad schools, professional teams, and also many of the world’s top corporations such as Nike, Google, Frito Lay, Warner Bros, Red Bull, Yahoo and many others. We have had the opportunity to work on many T.V. and film projects, from the Dr.Phil Show, Discovery Channel, The Bachelor T.V. series and more! The trust we earned is a direct result of our guide’s commitment in providing a phenomenal experience for everyone from all different walks of life.
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